The prominent Russian attorneys Mark Feigin and Nikolai Polozov were appointed as the Estonian government sought to guarantee legal defence for Kohver.

However, On 17 september it was announced that Kohver decided to proceed with a counsel appointed by Russia, instead.

According to the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, Kohver is not free in making his choices.

"Kohver’s decision to waive the attorneys appointed by Estonia and to continue with counsel appointed by Russia is unfortunate and it is clear, that Kohver is not free in making his choices. We are grateful to Mark Feigin and Nikolai Polozov for their expertise in dealing with the Eston Kohver case," Paet said, adding that the trustworthiness and competence of Feigin and Polozov have never been in doubt.

Paet said that the situation is complex, but Estonia has many allies and friends who understand us well and support us.

"We demand the return of Eston Kohver to Estonia," he added.

Kuidas see lugu Sind end tundma pani?
