The injured people will be transported to Estonia from Dnepropetrovsk hospital. They are the victims of the conflict in eastern Ukraine which is suffering under insurgency that is backed by Russia.

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said that Estonia is ready to continue to provide comprehensive support for Ukraine.

"In addition to transporting patients here for treatment, we are currently also preparing a shipment of food aid in order to help the situation of refugees from east Ukraine," he said.

Paet added that helping Ukraine is central in the development cooperation and humanitarian aid plan within Estonia’s budget for next year.

Estonian government has allocated a total of 170,000 euros to treat victims of the street violence and conflict in east Ukraine. It has also allocated funds to OSCE, enabling the organisation to operate in Ukraine.

Ukraine and Western governments have accused Russia of sending soldiers and weapons to back the insurgency in eastern Ukraine; Russia denies that but says Russians have volunteered as private citizens to fight.

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